
Monday, February 23, 2015

This Jazz Man by Karen Ehrhardt –OPTIONAL

Ehrhardt, Karen This Jazz Man 32 pgs, HMH Books for Young Readers, 2006. $6.99 PICTURE BOOK
Set to the traditional rhyme of "This Old Man", its replaced with “This Jazz man” and features a selection of real jazz players and their signature beats. Has a lot of sound, instruments, and ability for students to tap out a beat.  Biographical information is included at the end.
This would be a fantastic book for a music teacher or a lesson on Jazz music or a fan. It features quirky illustrations that come alive with the music. It was a very creative take on the old rhyme and a fun way to show off a variety of instruments and their famous players.
EL(K-3), EL  –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian

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