
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Riverman by Aaron Starmer - ADVISABLE

Starmer, Aaron The Riverman, pg. 320 Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014

Language: (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content-PG; Violence: G;

The Riverman tells the story of friendship, secrets and fantasy worlds. What do you do when a Fiona Loomis, the girl who lives down the street leaves a tape recording at your house and asks you to write her biography? This is what Alistair Cleary has to figure out. Initially  he is quite flattered, but as she starts to share her story Alisatir isn't quite sure what he's signed up for.  Fiona tells Alstair about her escapes to a magical land called Aquavania that she access through the water heater in her basement. She insists that her story be written as there is a villain in Aquvania called The Riverman who is stealing the souls of the children who go there and she believes he is now after hers too. But as things progress, and Alastair learns more about this seemingly fantasy world and the people around him he begins to notice parallels between Aquavania and the small town where he lives.

I was initially drawn to the book because of the fabulous art of the cover. I was unsure of how I would like it but I was pleasantly suprised. The Riverman was truly an original coming of age story. Super imaginative and full of fun twists. it still has me wondering what's real and what's just vivid, youthful imagination.  The cover makes it appear be for the more middle school audience but I would say it leans towards a slightly older and even adult crowd. 


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