Mulligan, Andy Ribblestrop, 374 p. Beach Lane (Random),
2015. $17. Language:
PG (5+ swears), Mature Content:
PG-13 (children drinking and smoking); Violence: PG-13 (attacks,
drilling into brain).
Sam, 12, is determined to enroll in the Ribblestrop private
school, despite his parents’ misgivings.
From before he steps foot on his train, his journey and experience seems
to barrel headlong towards disaster. Sanchez
is the son of a Columbian gangster, Millie seems to be an arsonist and
thief. The others at their small school
are no less bizarre. The plot involves
secret underground science experiments, two cut-throat soccer games, lightning
strikes and the world’s craziest educational program ever (that is not so bad,
eally – I kind of like the programme).
It says right on the cover that this book won the Guardian
Children’s Fiction Prize and I am completely mystified as to why. WHY?
This book is brutal and crazy and I would call it a hot mess. Put it down and walk away quickly.
This is one of my most favorite of your reviews! You put a smile on my face. Hilarious!