
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Monster Book by Alice Hoostad - OPTIONAL

Hoogstad, Alice  Monster Book  Lemniscaat, 2014.  $17.95  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.  

In a colorless town, one little girl goes about drawing monsters with her colorful crayons.  After she finishes drawing the monsters and moves on to her next drawing, the monsters come alive and follow her.  The monsters help her add color to the town and eventually other children bring their crayons out and start to color as well.   

The illustrations in this book are cute and the colorful monsters are adorable.  There are no words, but the story is easy to understand.  When we got to the end my kids said, "There were no words that was boring", but maybe they just don’t have a big enough imagination to appreciate this story. If you are looking for more wordless books for your library this is a fun addition.    

EL (K-3)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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