
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I am the World by Charles R. Smith –NOT RECOMMENDED

Smith, Charles R I am the World  48 pgs, Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2013. $17.99 PICTURE BOOK/NON-FICTION
A series of photographic images depicting children from all over the world. This is paired with simple information, told in a poetry format, about what that child represents, based on their heritage. For example, a young girls image is accompanied by “I am the breeze of islands far and wide”.
Although each page contains just one short sentence, there would be much explaining to do for elementary students, there is a glossary in the back, but each page would require a pause to define and discuss. (I have better books in my collection for a lesson on world children that include more info on each apge). I also really found that I didn’t care for children being defined by their heritage...for example, would an American child have been depicted with a hamburger, just as the German? child was depicted with a bratwurst and so on? I wouldn’t add this book to my collection.
EL (K-3) – NOT RECOMMENDED Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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