
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Blue on Blue by Dianne White - OPTIONAL

White, Dianne  Blue on Blue  Illustrated by Beth Krommes  Beach Lane Books, 2014.  $17.99 PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.   

This book follows a family that lives on a farm during a rainstorm.  The animals gets wet and the noisy rain is described in many ways as it falls fast and hard.  When the rain stops, one of the kids goes out and plays in the mud.  Soon the sun comes out and warms up the earth and the family comes out and finishes their chores.   

This story is rhythmic and peaceful with a few descriptive words per page spread.  The pictures are beautiful and detailed.  I thought it was good, but my kindergartener and preschooler kept telling me to pick a different book because this one was boring, so maybe it’s geared towards a really young audience or is better as a goodnight story.   

PREK-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.      

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