
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Toppling by Sally Murphy - OPTIONAL

Murphy, Sally.  Toppling, 121 pgs.  Candlewick Press, 2010.  $15.99.  Language: G; Mature Content- PG (serious illness); Violence: G; John loves dominos.  Not only does he enjoy crafting detailed patterns to topple, he enjoys the history of the hobby as well.  His best friend even has a name that sounds like his favorite past time, Dom.  When Dom goes home sick from school one day, it begins a journey that John didn’t expect to experience in his short life.  Surrounded by his family, classmates, and a surprising new friend, John learns an important lesson about friendship especially during difficult times.  

This story is a quick read, and would be particularly appropriate if a classmate or family member was experiencing a serious illness.  

EL, MS- OPTIONAL.  Review by J. Hafen

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