
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Extraordinary Mr. Qwerty by Karla Strambini- ESSENTIAL

Strambini, Karla The Extraordinary Mr. Qwerty PICTURE BOOK. Candlewick Press, 2014. $16.99. Content: G.

Norman Querty was unique in his thinking.  He was afraid that people would think his ideas and inventions were strange so he kept them all to himself.  Every once in a while his ideas escaped from under his hat. When people realized his ideas and encouraged them, he was able to build extraordinary inventions.  Because of his example of ingenuity, people all around him began sharing their great ideas and Mr. Querty never felt alone again.

This is a great book that fosters confidence in young minds to share and explore their thoughts and ideas. The illustrations were very simple but detailed.  The only colors used are black, white and a little bit of red.  The storyline helps readers to have courage to share their ideas and be unique individuals. This book could be used in a unit on inventions.

EL (K-3). EL. ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer: SL.

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