
Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Eternity Key by Bree DeSpain - OPTIONAL

DeSpain, Bree The Eternity Key, 368 p. Egmont, MAY 2015.  $19.  Content: G (2 swears, 0 ‘f’).

Daphne may have thwarted her destiny as a tithe for her father’s fame and avoided a life in the Underrealm, but things are by no means settled.  Daphne and her friends still need to find the Compass, which will lead her to the Key, which she can hopefully use to open Persephone’s Gate  and stop the Underlord’s plan to unleash the Keres on the mortal world.  Throw in a group of Skylords with their own agenda and Daphne’s inability to open her heart to Haden and a few more problems and the waters become very murky indeed.  

I loved book #1 so much that I felt guilty that I was so grateful when I reached the end of this book.  The plot has become pretty cluttered with characters and feels more like a vehicle to book three than a fulfilling novel in its own right.  I did, however, enjoy Garrick’s plot twist at the end.  No more spoilers from me, however.  Would publishers and author’s please rethink their devotion to the trilogy as a plot vehicle?  I have enjoyed DeSpain’s writing in the past; I am holding out hope for book 3 to redeem the series.  

MS, HS - OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS

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