
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Tell Me by Joan Bauer - ADVISABLE

Bauer, Joan Tell Me, 260 p. Viking (Penguin), 2014.  $17.  Content: G.

Anna’s parents’ marriage is falling apart.  While they try to figure out what lies in their future, Ana is shipped off to her grandmother Mim’s home just in time for the annual Flower Festival.  As a budding actress, Anna is willing to throw herself into any role, even as a pansy with a dreadful costume.  As she is working the area in front of the library to drum up support and volunteers for the parade, she sees something that disturbs her very much - a young girl who seems to be an unwilling passenger.  Anna is unable to let the sight of this girl go and other people saw the same interaction and are also disturbed, even if the local police don’t seem worried or interested.   Anna’s summer is not ordinary this time around.  She may not be a superhero, but she can at least show that she cares very much.

Bauer’s heroines manage to be heroic without being extra-ordinary - no superpowers here, just girls who are ready to step up when someone has to.  Which really is the definition of a hero.  

MS - ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS

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