
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Skippyjon Jones: Snow What by Judy Schachner - ADVISABLE

Schachner, Judy  Skippyjon Jones: Snow What  Dial Books, 2014.  PICTURE BOOK  $17.99  Content: G.   

Skippyjon Jones' mother is reading the story of Snow White to his sisters, but Skippyjon thinks the story is too girlie for him so he goes to his room.  While in his room he goes into his closet where he plays out imaginary stories where he is the hero-and in this story he rescues a Snow What from a dragon.  When Skippyjon has to kiss Snow What from an ice cube, his mouth gets stuck to an ice cube and he has to get mamma cat to help him.   

My kids love Skippyjon Jones (their father does a spectacular job of reading them out loud), and they ask for them over and over for bedtime stories because the words are fun to hear.  There is a mixture of Spanish and English words.  The story has a lot going on and the pictures are very detailed, but my kids think Skippyjon Jones is funny and this will be a great addition to the many books about Skippyjon Jones.  

EL (K-3)-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.    

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