
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Silence by Deborah Lytton - ESSENTIAL

Lytton, Deborah Silence, 312 pgs. Shadow Mountain, 2015.

Language – G, Sexual Content – PG; Violence – PG; 

Moving took a toll on Stella’s social life—now she’s the “new girl” instead of “the girl with the voice.” That changes when Stella bravely auditions for the school musical and wins the lead as a sophomore. Her dreams of being on Broadway seem within her grasp, and then the accident leaves Stella deaf. What happens when your dream can no longer be a goal and turns into an impossibility? 

Wow. I was expecting a cute little love story (which I got), but I failed to predict the soul searching that Stella and I were asked to do. Broken does not mean worthless, a dream lost does not mean no future, and one trait does not define you. Without change and challenges we cannot begin to see the potential that lies within each of us. Try something new, do something different, and you will find there is more to you than you know. This is the lesson of strength and hope that Stella has given me. 

HS – ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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