
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Secrets of the Seashore: A Shine-A-Light Book by Carron Brown- ESSENTIAL

Brown, Carron Secrets of the Seashore: A Shine-A-Light Book.  Illustrated by Alyssa Nassner.  EDC Publishing, 2014. PICTURE BOOK. $12.99. Content : G.

A tide pool is full of life. What is hidden in and around the tide pool? What is hidden in sea shells, rocks around the pool, and under rocks? If you shine a flashlight behind the page of this informational book or hold the book up to the light you will reveal barnacles, muscles, anemones, plant life and much more hiding on each page.

Readers will enjoy exploring under water life from page to page.  Behind the page, the hidden creatures are revealed in paintings of black and white.  More detailed information is also given. This book would be most fun reading in the dark with a flashlight. The last two pages provide detailed information about additional animals that live near the sea.  This book could be used in a unit on creatures found in and around the seashore.

EL (K-3).  ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: SL. 

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