
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mystery on Museum Mile by Marcia Wells - OPTIONAL

Wells, Marcia Eddie Red Undercover: Mystery on Museum Mile, 240p. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.$16.99. Language:  G,  Mature Content: G (Edmund thinks that his new boss Detective Bovano might have “the hots” for his mother), Violence: PG (guns are fired, 11yo is duct taped, bullying)
Unless 11yo Edmund Lonnrot can find a way to earn tuition to his private school, his life is about to change drastically. Edmund “not Eddie” was just told by his father that the cut back in hours at work has put a crunch on family funds to enroll Edmund at Senate Academy. Edmund is determined to get the money needed by any means, and fate/luck may just have come his way. Edmund, you see, has not only a photographic memory but an incredible talent to draw what he remembers. NYPD could use Edmund’s talent to help prevent an art thief from stealing a Picasso out of one of the museums along New York’s famous museum mile. 

A coming-of-age story with; courage to stand up to a bully, medium violence, and a classmate friend that is a military fanatic. Boys or girls who love mysteries will enjoy this story and maybe even be intrigued to find out some more about the artist Picasso. Marcia Wells, in her debut novel, has done an outstanding job in developing Edmund’s character and those who want can follow Edmund in his next adventure that comes out in spring 2015.  

EL – OPTIONAL.  Sandra, MLIS, Teacher Librarian

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