
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Miss Patch’s Learn to Sew Book by Carolyn Meyer - OPTIONAL

Meyer, Carolyn Miss Patch’s Learn to Sew Book, 90 p. Houghton Mifflin, 2014, 1969.  $10.  Content: G.
Miss Patch takes a beginning seamtress through a few simple projects to learn the basics of hand-sewing, pattern-making and construction. 

I learned to tie a knot from Miss Patch back when I was a little girl.  I took great pride in practicing her technique until I perfected it.  I am not sure how well it translates for sewing now, especially since sewing machines are so prevalent and cheap.  It was a nice trip down memory lane for me, however, as I made every project in this book when I was first learning to sew.  

EL, GIFT – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS

1 comment:

  1. I have a copy of this as well! I reread it the other day, and even though the instructions are very primitive, I think it holds up well for the very beginning sewer. And did you know that this was written by THE Carolyn Meyer, who does all the great historical novels? I was very surprised.
