
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Marlene Queen of Mean by Jane Marlene Lynch - OPTIONAL

Lynch, Jane Marlene, Marlene Queen of Mean.  Illustrated by Tricia Tusa.  PICTURE BOOK. Random House Children’s Books, 2914.$16.99. Content: G. Although Marlene is not tall yet she is mean, mean, mean.  She has a menacing eye and her actions cause the kids to yell, “WHY?”  When the kids decide to no longer be afraid of her and call her a bully, Marlene begins to cry.  Her “meanness broke into 123 pieces”. Marlene decides to become someone else-she becomes a much nicer kid!  Although this book is about bullying and changing ones attitude and actions, I felt that it “missed the mark” with the rhyming and execution of the story.  The illustrations were detailed and fun. This book could be used in a unit on manners. Pre-K.  EL (K-3). OPTIONAL. Reviewer: SL.

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