
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Huff and Puff Have Too Much Stuff! by Tish Rabe - OPTIONAL

Rabe, Tish.  Huff and Puff Have Too Much Stuff! EARLY READER. HarperCollins Publishers, 2013. $16.99. Content: G. 

Huff and Puff are a train engine and caboose team who like to load around lots of “stuff.”  They load up their cars with toys, books, kites, bikes, and an array of animals.  They can’t pull or push this huge load, but Farmer Fluff needs stuff and animals to fill his farm, and happily lightens the train. This story is in the I Can Read series of books. I felt like it was a little thrown together just to achieve the simple rhyme purpose of the series. The story was cutesy, so were the pictures. If you’re looking for more rhyming books and easy readers, with no particular regard to story, this would be a good purchase. 

PRE-K, EL (K-3) -OPTIONAL.  Reviewed by: Shay, School Librarian

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