
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Franklin and the Case of the New Friend by Caitlin Drake- OPTIONAL

Smith, Caitlin Drake Franklin and the Case of the New Friend. PICTURE BOOK. Kids Can Press, Limited, 2014. $5.95. Content: G. 

Franklin and Beaver stumble across a picture of a crayon drawing of a skunk family while playing at the park one day.  They determine that a skunk must have accidentally left it behind and go on an adventure to try to find its owner.  They get together with the Super Cluepers club members to find clues about how to find where Shrunk might live.  With their combined ideas and efforts, the Super Cluepers find the Skunk but Skunk is too shy to show his face.  The Super Cluepers and disappointed because they were hoping that Skunk would become their new friend.  To their surprise, Skunk overcomes his shyness and a new friendship begins.  

This is a cute story about friendship.  This book could be used in a unit on making friends or returning lost items to its owner.  The illustrations are fun and detailed.  

Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  OPTIONAL. Reviewer: SL. 

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