
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Bears in the Bath by Shirley Parenteau- OPTIONAL

Parenteau, Shirley Bears in the Bath.  Illustrated by David Walker.  PICTURE BOOK. Candlewick Press, 2014.  $15.99.  Content: G. Four little bears have gotten themselves very dirty in their daily play.  From dust and dirt to mud and cobwebs, there bears need a bath.  Daddy bear is waiting with a tub full of water to clean the bears but they want nothing to do with bath time.  Daddy scoops up, wriggles and giggles with the bears trying to get them into the bath.  Before long, it’s Daddy who needs a bath.  Setting the example of how much fun a bath can really be, Daddy gets in and starts to splish, splash, and sploosh until he gets all clean.  The four little bears see how much fun he is having and decide to finally join him.  Before long all bears are squeaky clean.  The illustrations are simple and cute.  The story is fun but not too exciting.  Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  OPTIONAL.  Reviewer: SL. 

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