
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Astray by Amy Parker - ADVISABLE

Parker, Amy Christine Astray (Gated #2), 340 pgs. Random House, 2014. Language – PG (3 swears, 0 “f”), Sexual Content – PG; Violence – PG-13; 

Lyla has escaped the Community, but not her ties to it. After everything she went through to get a normal life, all Lyla wants now is to enjoy it—school, junk food, new books, Cody—but neither Pioneer nor most “Outsiders” are ready for this change. Stuck between a life she’s scared of but wants her back and a life she wants but is scared of her, where can Lyla find the freedom of living happily? 

Once again I expected more of an internal battle of Lyla trying to choose Cody or Will, and once again I was pleasantly surprised by the story Parker told instead. I love that Lyla made her choice after figuring out the truth for herself and is now sticking by that choice. She would not be as strong of a character if she was wishy-washy. The struggle Lyla faces next is the struggle of trying to let go of what is familiar and putting her faith in the unknown. Change is hard, especially when the familiar fights to keep you, but change is necessary to become the strong, experienced individual that the world needs you to be. 

HS – ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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