
Friday, December 5, 2014

Ruthie and the (Not So) Very Busy Day by Laura Rankin - ADVISABLE

Rankin, Laura. Ruthie and the (Not So) Very Busy Day.  Bloomsbury, 2014. $17.99.  Content: G.  PICTURE BOOK.

Ruthie the fox is back with another story; Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie, (2007).  Ruthie has a perfect Saturday planned with her parents: blueberry pancakes, planting flowers, making cookies, and watching her favorite show.  But before her papa can make pancakes, he has to go help grandma with an emergency.  Her mama reminds Ruthie of her mean cousin’s birthday party and instead of planting flowers and making cookies; they have to buy him a present.  Ruthie misses her show and can’t wear her favorite dress.  She throws a tantrum outside.  Her mom comes out and they blow dandelion wishes together.  Their car has a flat so they can’t go to her mean cousin’s birthday party after all.  Instead, her dad comes home and they make cookies together and start their perfect day again.  The story feels like a younger version of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorstbut, but with a happier ending.  The bright and happy illustrations will appeal to children and small foxes alike.

Pre-K, K-3: ADVISABLE.   Reviewer: Samantha Hastings, MA, MLS.

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