
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Outback Attack (Ninja Meerkats #8) by Gareth Jones –ADVISABLE

Jones, Gareth Outback Attack (Ninja Meerkats #8) 176 pgs, HMH Books for Young Readers; 2014. $5.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
The four Ninja Meerkat boys have been invited to Australia by Bruce’s sister. She is an amazing detective but when faced with Koala kidnappers, she needs some muscle. The Meerkats soon battle some boxing Kangaroo’s and just when they think its safe, they must go up against a nemesis that they thought was long gone. Worse yet, someone threw out their special masks that would help them to fight the bad guys secret weapon.
This series includes a little introduction to each of the Meerkats in the front of the book, making it readable as a stand alone. I enjoyed this trip to Australia and liked the strong female character of the meerkat detective. I sort of wanted to see the meerkats face a new bad guy, but I still think students would love to read this series. I would enjoy reading more books in this fun, face paced, and well written series. 
EL(K-3)  –ADVISABLE  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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