
Monday, December 29, 2014

My Teacher Fried My Brains (Book #4) by Bruce Coville –OPTIONAL

Coville, Bruce My Teacher Fried My Brains (Book #4) 176 pgs, HMH Books for Young Readers; 2014. $16.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
Duncan is starting seventh grade and its not going well. In the past he has been both a bully and a goof off, and he continues along that line. After getting in more trouble quite quickly, he pulls a fire alarm. But it sprays his hand with dye! In order to avoid being discovered, he spends most of a day hiding in a disgusting dumpster, where he make a horrifying discovery.  It’s a hand that aliens use to hide themselves as humans, which means that an alien is at this school. He had been hoping that all the alien drama from the past books was over. Things go from bad to worse after his brain is fried by an alien. Who can he turn to for help?
On my top ten pet peeve list is a book in a series that is unmarked as part of a series! I HATE THAT! This was not a read alone and its really skews my feel for the series. I thought it was interesting that the author chooses a narrator that is a bully and kind of a bad seed. I didn’t enjoy the story but I know this author is popular with students. I sort of don’t like planting the idea to young readers that their teachers are evil. It’s a bit young to start that. I wouldn’t add this series to my library.

EL  –OPTIONAL  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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