
Friday, December 19, 2014

Miss Klute is a Hoot (My Weirder School #11) by Dan Gutman –OPTIONAL

Gutman, Dan Miss Klute is a Hoot (My Weirder School #11) 112 pgs, HarperCollins 2014. $4.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
Mr. Macky brings in a therapy dog to help the students with their reading. The dog’s name is Miss Klute and the students fight over the chance to read to her, even if they were once scared of reading aloud. When AJ and his friend decide Miss Klute looks sad, they try everything they can to cheer her up including feeding her chocolate cupcakes and letting her off leash outside to chase a ball. When she runs off, they students feel terrible! Everyone starts looking, and AJ wishes he had followed the rules.
I am torn about this book. The students like this series and the story is well written, easy to run, and the plot moves along quickly –pulling their reading forward with a fun story. THAT IS ABOUT READING!! The humor is pretty authentic for the most part, except there is a heavy dash of what I consider “grown up” humor. References to losing weight to wear bikinis, massages, and whippings. I don’t think I will add this series to my school library, and leave it up to the parents if they choose to buy these books for their children.
EL (K-3) –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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