
Monday, December 8, 2014

Dragons: Easter Egg Hunt adapted by Mae Marks– OPTIONAL

Marks, Mae (adapted by) Dragons: Easter Egg Hunt EARLY READER Scholastic Inc, 2014. $4.99 Content: G
This level 1 reader features Dragon and his friends wants to have an Easter Egg Hunt, so Dragon gets on a bunny costume and tries really hard not to eat the eggs. To help him not eat the eggs, he decorates them as cat toys. But when its time for the hunt, the eggs are nowhere to be found? Will Dragon and his friends be able to solve this mystery?
Fans of the show this book is based on will enjoy this easy to read story with its Claymation figures. I thought the images were kind of freaky, like the character were frozen in a moment, lacking the natural motion of illustrated works. Also the images seem really dark, like dusk has fallen. I wouldn’t add this to my library unless students were familiar with the story, since the big mystery hinges on the knowledge of what pet Dragon has at home.
EL (K-3) – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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