Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Dog vs. Cat by Chris Gall- OPTIONAL
Gall, Chris Dog
vs. Cat. PICTURE BOOK. Little, Brown Books for Young
Readers, 2014. $17.00. Content: G. Mr. and Mrs. Button want a pet. Mr. Button wants a dog. Mrs. Button wants a cat. They compromise decide to bring home
both. This arrangement works perfectly
for the Buttons, but not for Dog and Cat. All they can do is focus on each
other’s bad traits. Their differences
get the best of them and before long they find themselves on opposite sides of
the room with little to do with each other. This seems like the perfect
solution, until they begin to remember the good times that they had
together. When things seem to be patched
up and their friendship mended, the Buttons bring home another pet! Dog hopes it isn’t a porcupine. Cat hopes it isn’t an elephant. When Mr. and Mrs. Button bring in the cage
and reveal the new pet, Cat and Dog agree that it is the most terrifying
creature they have ever seen. Read to
find out how Cat and Dog deal with this fun and exciting change in their lives
and how focusing on someone else’s strengths instead of their weaknesses makes
for not only true friendship, but exciting adventures. We enjoyed this book but didn't find the plot to be anything new or original. The illustrations are bright and
detailed. We enjoyed the captions of what
Dog and Cat were saying to each other. EL (K-3).
Optional. Reviewer: SL
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