
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Days of the Knights (Tales of the Time Dragon) by Robert Neubecker –OPTIONAL

Neubecker, Robert Days of the Knights (Tales of the Time Dragon) EARLY READER Scholastic Paperbacks, 2014. $3.99 Content: G
This level 2 readers two students are taken back in time to the Middle Ages, where they meet a red dragon. This dragon guides them through information about typical life in the year 1200 and uses its fire to stop some real danger. Includes extra features like facts and definitions.
I think this is a fun way to introduce students to history that are just not quite ready for the Magic Treehouse. However, I just think the artwork looks a bit sloppy and dated. The cover isn’t very appealing. I wish the artwork was better and I would consider adding the whole series.
EL (K-3) – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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