
Monday, December 29, 2014

Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000 (Book #11) by Dav Pikey –OPTIONAL

 Pilkey, Dav Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000 (Book #11)  224 pgs, Scholastic Inc.; 2014. $12.99  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
The Turbo Toilet is back for revenge, it comes after Melvin, he defeats it, and finds himself a reluctant superhero. So he time travels and brings back George, Harold, and Captain Underpants, but brings them two weeks into the past. Now they will have to face The Turbo Toilet and things don’t go that smoothly, especially when they have to work with their doubles.
I really hate reading books in this series, but of course, students LOVE this series (3rd grade boys mostly). This one goes above and beyond to new levels of underpants wearing as many heavy set grownups get down to their skivvies, including bras. I add these to my library strictly from parents telling me how it took these very books to get their children on the path to becoming a real reader. Sigh…..

EL  –OPTIONAL  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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