
Friday, November 14, 2014

The XYZs of Being Wicked by Lara Chapman - ADVISABLE

Chapman, Lara The XYZs of Being Wicked, 244 p. Aladdin (Simon), 2014.  $18.  Content: G.  

Hallie, 11, had no idea that she was magic – until her mother ships her off to the Dowling Academy of Witchcraft at the start of the school year.  There she meets other witches who have always known that Dowling was where they would be going.  Not only does Hallie feel behind the curve, but her roommate is Kendall – the girl who used to be her best friend, but now they are only enemies.  Hallie finds a few sympathetic new friends and also a fantastic destiny as she learns to use her powers.  

While this book is interesting, I have a really hard time with 11 year olds acting as if they are 16.  If you can ignore that, then you will have a better time of reading this.  There is a lot of Mean Girl feelings spread around, but now actual evil actions to worry about.  


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