
Saturday, November 15, 2014

A bean, a stalk, and a boy named Jack by Joyce - ADVISABLE

Joyce, William A bean, a stalk, and a boy named Jack, illustrated by Kenny Callicutt.  PICTURE BOOK.  Atheneum (Simon), 2014.  $18.  Content: G.  

A small bean and a small Jack are needed to save the small kingdom from a drought, with the help of some small magic and a small giant.  This riff on the Jack and the Beanstalk tale will be better appreciated after the original.  The tone is more sarcastic than the original and lacks the information.  The whimsical pictures capture the mood perfectly, though.  I would use this as part of a fairy tale unit and have slightly older students compare and contrast the two versions.  There is not enough her for this to be a brand new fairytale entry; its really just a parody.  

EL (K-3) - ADVISABLE (because of the illustrations).  Cindy, LIbrary Teacher

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