Barton, Bethany This Monster Cannot Wait! PICTURE BOOK. Dial Books, 2013. $16.99. Content: G.
Vacation is a week away, and Stewart cannot wait to go camping. In fact, he's so impatient that he has taken to resetting clocks, renumbering calendars, and even destroying this very book in an attempt to rush things. Nothing helps until he learns his friend at school doesn't want it to be vacation time, and they both realize they've been living so much in the future that they haven't appreciated the present.
The spazzy, impatient Stewart is hilarious, and many kids will likely enjoy his shenanigans as he tries to rush time -- while also sympathizing with his plight. The implied lesson is an important one for young children, who often wish they could control time. It's even a good reminder for many adults.
Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn
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