
Friday, October 10, 2014

Privateer’s Apprentice by Susan Verrico - ESSENTIAL

Verrico, Susan Privateer’s Apprentice, pgs. 224, Peachtree Publishers, 2012. $17.99 Language: (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content-G; Violence: PG;

At only 13 years old, Jameson loses his parents to disease, loses his father’s printing shop to man who conned the authorities. Jameson is then imprisoned due to a false accusation, later to be actioned off to pay for a crime he didn’t commit. He’s taken away from all of this by being shanghaied onto to a privateer ship. He distinguishes himself even under these circumstances by being hardworking, spirited and using the printing skills his father taught him. Jameson learns new skills and becomes a valuable member of the crew. 

This book is worthy of the awards and praise that it and its author received. The writing is compelling and there is enough mystery from the beginning to grab the reader’s attention and then hold it as the feeling of mystery increases. The author is a history buff who has stayed historically accurate. This a story that fans of historical fiction will likely enjoy. 


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