
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pirates of the Silver Coast (Three Thieves Book #5) by Scott Chantler –OPTIONAL

Chantler, Scott Pirates of the Silver Coast (Three Thieves Book #5) 96 pgs. Kids Can Press, 2014. $17.95 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G. GRAPHIC NOVEL
Captain Drake is still after Dessa, Topper, and Fisk. He even reluctantly consults a Tarot Card Reader (who looks suspiciously familiar), but little does he know that the three thieves have taken to the sea. They are on a smugglers ship and when they are taken by pirates Dessa’s map is taken, the one thing that she believes could lead to her kidnapped brother.
Its official, I have given up on this series for elementary school. It’s a great read, but its growing more complex and serious than the fun of the first three books, a bit too much for elementary. At least in my demographic the tarot card reading component could result in some serious parent drama. I think this series is worth a try with middle schooler as it remains fairly wholesome (no romance, no swearing) while evolving into more complexity as the series progresses.
MS -OPTIONAL  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.


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