
Monday, October 27, 2014

Max and the Won't Go to Bed Show by Mark Sperring - OPTIONAL

Sperring, Mark Max and the Won’t Go to Bed Show  Illustrated by Sarah Warburton  Scholastic Press, 2014.  PICTURE BOOK  $16.99  Content: G. 

 Max does whatever it takes to prolong going to bed.  He pretends like he is putting on a circus show, so simple steps of going to bed take him longer.  He makes everything he does sound exciting and magnificent.  The illustrations in this book are adorable and the change in font styles makes the words look exciting.  

The story line isn’t anything new-it’s just the basic brush your teeth, put on your pajamas.  Although it is described with creative adjectives, it is really just a drawn out bedtime routine.  That said, the bright illustrations and cute characters will hold younger readers.  

EL (K-3)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson. 

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