
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ladybug Girl and the Big Snow by Jacky Davis -- ADVISABLE

Davis, Jacky Ladybug Girl and the Big Snow, illustrated by David Soman. PICTURE BOOK. Penguin Young Readers, 2013. $17.99. Content: G.

Lulu pulls on her ladybug costume and rushes out into the fresh snow, ready to enjoy a winter's day. Unfortunately, the snow is not very cooperative, and everything seems so much harder than usual with all these layers of warm clothes on. Can her imagination and sense of fun overcome the frustration and help her see winter in a whole new way?

At forty pages -- some of which are rather text-heavy -- this one is a tad long for a read-aloud, especially with a bigger group. Still, many children will relate to Lulu's frustration with trying to make the snow do what she wants, and both her imagination and ability to eventually see the good in difficult situations is very nice.

EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn

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