
Monday, October 27, 2014

Katie Starting from Scratch (Cupcake Diaries #21) by Coco Simon –ADVISABLE

Simon, Coco Katie Starting from Scratch (Cupcake Diaries #21) 160 pgs. Simon Spotlight, 2014. $16.99  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G.
Katie’s mom wants her to be friends with her boyfriends daughter Emily. Emily is a bit younger, but is very nice, so its not a big deal. Until, that is, Katie is asked to spend more and more time with her, bring her to cupcake club meetings, and listen to everyone talk about how perfect Emily is. Katie worries things will get even worse if her Mom marries Emily’s Dad. Will things ever go back to the way it was when it was just Katie and her mom?
This was an excellent read! I loved how the main character knows she shouldn’t be jealous and upset but feels it none the less, isn’t that the truth!? I think so many students will be able to relate to the kind of life changes that Katie is going through. The story comes to a natural conclusion that entails opening up to and relying on friends and family. Don’t worry there is still some mouthwatering cupcake making going on!
EL -ADVISABLE  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.


  1. I do love these, but have *only* bought the first 13! I'm having trouble getting the girls to read the series as well. I thought the books were all interesting and well written. I'm partial to Sew Zoey as well, but I'm ready for new offerings from these authors.

  2. They don't get too many checkouts here, but I love reading them! I think the problem is that the covers are really appealing to second grade girls, but the text should be read by 4-5 graders. Same thing with Sew Zoey, but the covers are also dated looking on top of being childish.
