
Monday, October 13, 2014

Friends and Traitors by C.J. Hill - ADVISABLE

Hill, C. J. Slayers: Friends and Traitors, 390 pgs. Feiwel and Friends, 2013. 

Language - G, Sexual Content - PG; Violence - PG;

 The summer is over, which, for Tori, means going back to school and the hecic life of being a senator's daughter without the amazing abilities she discovered at Dragon Camp. Roland and her other private school-attending rich friends aren't enough anymore. Tori misses her camp friends and isn't afraid to break the rules Dr. B gave her--but in the end, breaking those rules might save her life. 

I was afraid that Slayers' sequel would skip over to the next summer--don't worry, Hill is better than that. The situations in this book force Tori to make tough decisions and it's exciting to see her development along with how being a Slayer impacts all of the campers' real lives. The dragon-fighting action doesn't stop with the first book, and I think those action scenes add a lot to the excitment of reading more about Tori and her friends. Be warned: you won't want to put this book down until you finish it in the wee hours of the morning. 

HS - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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