
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Camp Rex by Molly Idle-OPTIONAL

Idle, Molly Camp Rex PICTURE BOOK. Viking Juvenile, 2014. $16.99.  This book is about a bunch of dinosaurs and two little kids who go out camping.  The book gives you detailed instructions of what to do and expect while camping.  The book tells you about taking a swim in the lake, telling stories by the campfire and all-favorite marshmallow roast.  I really liked this book’s illustrations.  The pictures are very funny and colorful.  The little kids are especially cute.  The end of the book is a surprise as they campers try camping in their own backyard!  We liked the illustrations more than the story line. OPTIONAL. Pre-K. EL (K-3).  Student Reviewed: JL age 11. 

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