
Monday, October 20, 2014

Beetle Busters by Loree Burns - ESSENTIAL

Burns, Loree Griffin Beetle Busters: A rogue insect and the people who track it, 61 p.  NON-FICTION.  Houghton Mifflin, 2014.  $19.  Content: G.  

In 2011, a stand of trees in Ryan Zampuno’s favorite woods were clear cut and destroyed.  When Ryan and his fellow Biodoversity Club members searched for answers, they found out that the trees had to cut in order to stop the spread of the Asian long-horned beetle - a tree killer imported in wood pallets from Asia.  Enter Clint McFarland and his fellow arborists, whose job it is to stop the spread.  From urban New York City and into the upland forests, McFarland and his team are determined to eradicate the beetle, but it is a painstaking, almost impossible job.  

Seriously - if you don’t have the entire Scientists in the Field series, you are missing out.  There are so many different lessons that can be learned and taught with the variety of books in the series.  You should be sharing these with your science teachers and planning many lessons around them.  Each book contains well-documented scientific methods.

EL, MS - ESSENTIAL.  Cindy - Library Teacher

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