
Friday, October 10, 2014

A Corner of the Universe by Ann Martin - ESSENTIAL

Martin, Ann A Corner of the Universe, pgs. 189 Scholastic 2004 $7.00 PB. 

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”): Mature Content PG-13; Violence: G; 

About the time Hattie turns 12 she discovers she has a 21 year old uncle named Adam. Her uncle has autism and is prone to mood swings. He had been in a home for the mentally disabled but is now living in Hattie’s town. Hattie becomes lonely during the summer and spends much of her time at the library, reading and visiting those living at the boarding house her family owns. She also gets to know her Uncle, Adam.  

The book is well written and is a Newbury Honor Book. It is also a relevant book because it addresses autism and certain social prejudices against it. The book is recommended for ages 9 – 12. However, some may find it too mature for that audience. There is an instance of sexual awareness and an instance of sexual conduct. It may also disturb some parents that Adam commits suicide, especially since it was not handled particularly well for this age group. Some might also find Hattie’s reaction to Adam killing himself disturbing. She says, "I...realize that Adam's decision to take his life was not made easily. It took a certain kind of courage. Just not the kind of courage I choose."


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