
Monday, September 29, 2014

The Worlds Best Noses, Ears, and Eyes by Helen Rundgren –ESSENTIAL

Rundgren, Helen and illustrated by Arrhenius, Ingela The Worlds Best Noses, Ears, and Eyes 32 pgs. Holiday House, 2014. $16.95  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G. NON-FICTION

In this book readers will find out the top creature in the world for the very best eyes, ears, and nose. Turns out there is quite a few! Moths have a double nose! Sharks can smell underwater. Crickets ears are under its knees. Fully illustrated with bright, varied, and colorful creatures and harmonious scenery.

Ah, finally a truly great book! This fantastic book is filled to the brim with fun and interesting facts about the senses and has top notch illustrations. I love that the author chose to include some less common creatures like hedgehogs and the star nosed mole. I think students will be drawn to the bright cover and the fun imagery, and find themselves wanting to know more information about tons of different animals. A welcome addition to lessons about animal adaption and the senses.

EL (K-3) -ESSENTIAL  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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