
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Saving Lucas Biggs by David Teague and Marisa de los Santos - - OPTIONAL

Teague, David and de los Santos, Marisa Saving Lucas Biggs, 279 pgs. HarperCollins, 2014. $16.99. 

Language: G; Violence: PG-13; Mature Content: G. 

Lucas Biggs is an old judge, and a corrupt judge it seems because he rules in favor of the big mining company that runs the town of Victory, Arizona.  But when Margaret O’Malley’s father is wrongly convicted of murder and given the death penalty, Margaret, Charlie and Charlie’s Grandpa Joshua come up with a plan to save him.  Margaret’s family can time travel - - they aren’t supposed to, and history resists changes they might try to make, and they can’t travel after they are 18 and it makes them sick - - but Margaret is willing to try.  If she can go back to 1938, when all the trouble really started, maybe she and Josh (young Grandpa Joshua) can stop the series of events that led to the death of Lucas’ father, and possibly change history.  

This time travel story has a great message, but the reader must wade through the various narrators and time periods and keep track of the characters (I would have loved a character map, or different fonts to keep track of where/when/who you are in the story.) There is also a disturbing chapter involving the shooting of unarmed families.  Not for every library.


Lisa Librarian

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