
Monday, September 15, 2014

Panda-Monium at Peek Zoo by Kevin Waldron - ESSENTIAL

Waldron, Kevin  Panda-Monium at Peek Zoo  Templar Books, 2013.  $16.99  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.  

Mr. Peek the zookeeper has a great idea to welcome the baby panda to the zoo-he is going to have an animal parade.  Mr. Peek makes a list and with the help of his son Jimmy, he goes about the zoo getting the animals ready.  In Mr. Peek’s excitement to have the parade, he makes a few mistakes that could prove disastrous, but Jimmy has Mr. Peek’s back and all goes as planned.  

This is an adorably illustrated book with brightly colored zoo animals.  As Mr. Peek goes about his chores, my boys loved to point out the mistakes he made or the things that Mr. Peek missed.  Jimmy loves his dad and the book builds up to the parade in anticipation nicely.  

EL (K-3)-ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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