Hagen, Bethany Landry Park, 384 pgs. Dial Books, 2014. $17.99. Language: PG (8 swears; 0 'f') Sexual Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13.
It is two hundred years in the future, after war and disease have devastated America and a miraculous invention has saved it. As the heir of society's pinnacle family, Madeline Landry is used to having everything. But when a scandalous incident opens her eyes to society's treatment of the poor, she realizes that her extravagant lifestyle comes at great cost to others. It's not easy to turn her back on everything she's been raised to believe, however, and a tempestuous relationship with a handsome but changeable society boy only heightens her confusion.
With its scandals and mysteries and mix of old-fashioned and futuristic lifestyles, the world of Landry Park is rich and fascinating -- especially once the story gets going. While the text is wonderfully accessible, the varied vocabulary, hauntingly beautiful images, and political insights lend it a deliciously literary feel. Although there is some resolution, the ending makes it clear that there will be at least one more in the series.
HS -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn
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