
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

If Kids Ruled the World by Linda Bailey –OPTIONAL

Bailey, Linda If Kids Ruled the World 32 pgs. Kids Can Press, 2014. $16.95 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G.

This book depicts every child’s dream world –where the bed is never made, you can travel by pirate ship, every child is a prince or princess, and every map has an X that marks the spot for treasure. In its end, it brings in the adults –who have never forgotten had to play.

I am torn with this book. On one hand its fun and full of imagination with great illustrations. But on the other, I would much rather see children thinking of creative ways to make the world a better and more amazing place, not a more self-involved indulgent place.  You may be thinking to yourself, that children’s books should full of joy and silliness, but then again you may not have dated the man-boys of the current generation of 20somethings who still live at home and play video games all day. This is the true fall-out of children ruling the world.

PRE-K, EL(K-3)  - OPTIONAL  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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