Yacowitz, Caryn I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Dreidel, illustrated by David Slonim. Arthur A. Levine Books, 2014. $17.99. Content: G.
When Grandma accidentally swallows a dreidel during dinner, her whole family worries that it will be fatal. Good thing she has a pitcher of near-boiling oil to wash it down with, and some latkes to fry in the oil, and on and on.
I enjoyed the creative and humorous illustrations for this one, as they spoofed famous works of art such as "The Mona Lisa," "American Gothic," and "Nighthawks." However, the text simply did not stand out from the many other renditions of the same tale that have been released this past year. The rhymes and rhythm often felt awkward, and many of the objects the grandmother swallowed seemed random instead of following the cause-and-effect pattern of the original tale. Because of the strong Jewish bent, non-Jewish students may need some comprehension help, which could provide a good cultural lesson.
EL (K-3) -- OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Caryn
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