
Sunday, September 21, 2014

How Martha Saved Her Parents from Green Beans by David LaRochelle -- ADVISABLE

LaRochelle, David How Martha Saved Her Parents from Green Beans, illustrated by Mark Fearing. PICTURE BOOK. Dial Books for Young Readers. 2013. $16.99. Content: G.

Martha swears that green beans are horrible, vile things, but her parents don't believe her. Not until the night the green beans attack everyone who's ever made someone eat them, carrying off Martha's parents in the process. Now it's up to Martha to save her mom and dad, but it might require a bit of a sacrifice from the bean-averse girl.

This hilarious story is a lot of fun to read aloud, and many children will sympathize with Martha's dislike of green beans -- although some parents may not appreciate the anti-veggie stance. The accompanying illustrations enhance the story well and add to the humor -- especially on the very last page.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn

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