
Friday, September 12, 2014

Dinosaur Days by Joyce Milton -- ESSENTIAL

Milton, Joyce Dinosaur Days, illustrated by Franco Tempesta. 48 pgs. Random House, 2014. $3.99. Content: G.

This updated version of the 1985 edition has a revised text and all new illustrations. The pages give basic information on dinosaurs, then go into more detail about many different types, before addressing related creatures such as plesiosaurs. Pronunciation guides help students sound out some of the more difficult words, and the colorful illustrations are appealing and lifelike. Each dinosaur profile has enough information to be interesting without bogging down the reader in too many details. While this is an early reader with fairly large type, the longer page count and challenging words make it best for more practiced readers, or for those who have direct adult support.

EL (K-3) -- ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Caryn

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