
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Born of Illusion by Teri Brown –ADVISABLE

Brown, Teri Born of Illusion 384 pgs. Balzer + Bray, 2013. $17.99 

Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG-13 Violence: G.

Set in New York City of the 1920’s, we find a young woman named Anna who is a stage magician but is starting to realize she has actual powers. She and her mother are always on the brink of poverty, but their newest gig has them pretty well off, for now. They perform in a theatre show and fake late night private séances for the wealthy. But Anna is a woman coming in to her own power, she doesn’t want to exploit people, and she wants more from her stage time as well. But she can’t do anything about it because her mother is controlling and always wants to be center state. Anna is having some very scary visions of the future. To complicate matters Anna has two suitors, and she isn’t really sure who to trust.

This was an excellent book! The foundation was nicely established, the characters were well developed and the magical component was not too overwhelming. I couldn’t put this book down and kept wishing for even more ghostly appearances! I think students will enjoy the setting, the weaving of real and skill based magic, and the inclusion of Harry Houdini. The romance component is fairly tame, but there is underage illegal drinking.

HS  -ADVISABLE  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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