
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

And then comes Christmas by Tom Brenner -OPTIONAL

Brenner, Tom  And then comes Christmas 32 pgs. Candlewick, 2014. $15.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G. PICTURE BOOK
Every classical sign of Christmas is included in this picture book including the changing weather, decorations, playing in the snow, waiting in line to see Santa, and choosing the right Christmas tree. The illustrations are soft and chalky, giving everything a magical glow.
This is a truly sweet book that is warm and wholesome. It will get students excited for Christmas. But there isn't much to it for a school library, I tend to go for books that have a story/plot or a lesson. For example, one sign that wasn't included is that Christmas is for giving to others, and sometimes that can be volunteering for charity. This book could possibly be used for a lesson on the typical components of celebrating Christmas. There are no religious references in this book.

EL(K-3)  -OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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